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Welcome to Yenton Masonic Rooms
Yenton Masonic Rooms is run for the benefit of all the Brethren, Lodges and other Orders which meet here.
At present, there are 14 Craft Lodges, 5 Royal Arch Chapters, 1 Mark Master Mason Lodge, 1 Royal Ark Mariner Lodge, 7 Additional Orders meeting at Yenton Masonic Rooms, but we still have a few vacant meeting slots available, so if you are looking for new Masonic home, please get in touch.
All lodges that meet at Yenton Masonic Rooms do so under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire and are governed constitutionally by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE).
Brethren wishing to book rooms for masonic use, please contact Bookings Director, W. Bro. John W. Davis using |
Our Facilities include
- Convenient location close to the motorway network.
- Dining room with a capacity of 90 diners
- Large temple
- Bar area
- Meeting rooms
- Secure car park
IMAGE GALLERY (Click thumbnails below to enlarge).